The Dunedin Rhododendron Group exists to foster interest in rhododendron species and hybrids, as well as associated plants and trees.
New members are most welcome; membership gives you opportunities to enjoy friendship with other garden-lovers.
Membership to the Group entitles you to many benefits such as:
- Visit Tannock Glen any time of the year - the 'Home Garden of the Group'.
- Attend our monthly winter meetings.
- Visit notable gardens in spring and autumn.
- Attend various lecture series, talks & workshops.
- Receive expert advice from overseas guest speakers who are visiting New Zealand.
- Receive a copy of the high quality annual journal - the 'Bulletin'.
- Make use of the Group's specialist library.
- Receive a copy of the annual plant distribution list.
- Purchase rare and choice rhododendrons and companion plants.
Why not join our group now? Just download the following application form Membership Form - (PDF File - 139 kb).
Contact the Dunedin Rhododendron Group if you require further information